Kids at RMFC

At RMFC, kids are important to us, so we want to make church fun and exciting for them! On Sundays we offer children’s ministry for ages 0 through 5th grade. We have trained volunteers and teach relevant lessons reinforced with puppet skits, videos, object lessons, games, and more! Our goal is to get the Word of God into the hearts of these kids while they’re young to give them a strong spiritual foundation to build their lives on.

Check out the age categories below to see where your child fits.


Nursery (0-2yrs)

Our nursery opens at 9:45 on Sunday morning. Our nursery is staffed with great teachers who fill our nursery with an atmosphere of love and acceptance as they teach the babies simple stories of the Bible right at their level.

A Nursing mothers’ room is also available for those moms who need to feed or quiet their babies.


Children's church (3yrs-5th grade)

Kids join their parents for worship, and then during the sermon, they are dismissed to their class for a lesson designed to hold their attention and teach them the Word of God in a way they can understand. We place an emphasis on the stories of the Bible and scripture.