Our Vision Here at RMFC is Simple...
Reach Up, Reach In, Reach Out. A simple, yet powerful vision. The message behind this is to “Reach Up,” to truly know God and have a passion for Him; “Reach In” to know who you are in Christ; and “Reach Out” to help those within our church
family, our community and beyond. We are continually striving to stay grounded and focused on this vision for the purpose of
impacting the world for Jesus! We are excited to share some new developments with you, so
you can see our heart and stand with us as we believe!
A new building
We are believing for a larger building, with a prime location that will increase our visibility and make us more accessible to our city, so that we can continue to reach more people for the Kingdom.
a youth center for pueblo
We know that our city is blessed, and that God has a special plan for the youth of Pueblo and we want to set them up for success. Our vision is to provide a youth center with a positive environment for these teens, where they will learn how much God loves them, while having a
a university in africa
We have been partners with Bible Outreach Ministries in the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa for years. They have an incredible vision to build a Congolese Christian University where
students will receive a first-class education together with a solid foundation in the Lord! We’re excited to get to be a part of making that happen.
Thank you for believing with us regarding these things, as we continue to fulfill our vision of reaching people!