Women of Purpose


Our women’s ministry typically meets the second Monday of every month at 6 pm.

Our ladies are divided into 4 groups, and each month a different group hosts the first hour of our ladies’ fellowship providing refreshments and an activity for us all to just enjoy together.

We have a great time! Whether it’s doing a fun activity or playing a game, our groups always find something creative for us all to enjoy when they host. We like to follow up our activity with a teaching from the Bible that is unique to us as women and applicable to our every day lives!  

We’re always done by 8 at the very latest so you can get home to your family at a decent hour. It’s a great place to meet other women and develop solid Christian friendships; teenage girls and other friends and family are always welcome.
Please check the RMFC Calendar for the next meeting. We take a recess from our monthly meetings every summer from June – August.