Do you ever feel like if you blinked long enough, the holidays
would just be gone? Sometimes I feel like my brain starts gearing
up in November for the overwhelming, insanity of the holidays
and everything that has to be done.

Buying gifts, wrapping them, cooking, watching Christmas
movies, mailing Christmas cards, baking Christmas cookies and
the list goes on and on…

I picture the “holiday craze” attitude being somewhat akin to the
one time I decided to go Black Friday shopping at a particularly
popular store…which shall remain nameless. I found a cute jacket
that was SUPER cheap! As I did a silent little “happy dance,” an
overly excited shopper snatched it from my hands. As I gazed into
her fierce eyes, (ok, so that’s a little dramatic…her eyes were
definitely fierce, but I was too scared to gaze into them!) I
remembered the words of Jesus in Deuteronomy 30:19, where He
tells us to “choose life.” Ok, so I realize that He wasn’t referring to
Black Friday shopping, but I figured it still applied so…bye, bye
cute jacket!

Sometimes the “things” overshadow the true meaning of the
holidays - being thankful, family, love, and the birth of Jesus.
These are just a few of the things which really make the holidays
special. Don’t get me wrong…all of the other stuff is important,
but when it starts to become a stressful chore instead of a
potential memory, it’s time to take a deep breath and take a step

If everything on your list doesn’t get done, life will go on! One
long blink and it will feel like this season is almost over, so STOP!

Consider someone in need. Do something special for someone
else. Really endeavor to bring to light what this season is all
about: Jesus! P.s. And don’t snatch any jackets from anyone!

~Danielle Paden

Isaiah 9:6-7
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.