Worrying has become such a common reaction that sometimes we’re made to believe that if we’re NOT worried about a situation, then we don’t care.
The Bible talks about praying and reassuring your heart in 1 John 3:19-20 [Phillips].
“If we live like this, we shall know that we are children of the truth and can reassure ourselves in the sight of God, even if our own hearts make us feel guilty. For God is infinitely greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.”
We have to reassure our hearts. The reason we are reassured, not giving in to worry, isn’t because we’re trying to fake it or act stoically! It’s because we trust the ONE who has the answers.
1 John 3:19 (LEB) says, “By this we know that we are of the truth and will convince our heart before him,”
Trusting God is a byproduct of knowing Him. He is good! When you truly know someone and their character, it’s easier to trust them. When you really get to know God as the GOOD father that He is, trusting Him will begin to come naturally.