Have you ever been asked what your most valuable asset is? Many times, we might think of a physical characteristic or possibly a personality trait that we have. It’s interesting that your most valuable asset can be something that everyone has the ability to possess: Kindness.
Now, just because the Bible tells us that kindness is a fruit of the spirit, and we have the fruit of the spirit, DOES NOT mean that we are seeing evidence of that kindness. I’m sure like me, you’ve dealt with someone who’s been the opposite of kind, possibly on a daily basis. Or maybe like me, you’ve even been the one to be unkind. It happens.
The “fruit” of the Spirit is the expression of our renewed nature as it is seen by others. So really, it doesn’t become real until we can actually see evidence of it!
Matthew 7:12 (TPT) says, “In everything you do, be careful to treat others in the same way you’d want them to treat you, for that is the essence of all the teachings of the Law and the Prophets.”
In Colossians 2:10, Paul said: “you are complete in Him…” This means that there is nothing God is ever going to add to you, including kindness, now or in the future. So how do we get that kindness out? It starts with being kind to yourself. “God does not deal with you according to what’s wrong with you but with what’s missing in your experience in Christ” (Graham Cooke). Everything God has for us is relational.
1. God wants to show His kindness and goodness to us and through us.
2. We have the kindness in us to show others, we just need to abide in faith. “Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and mold relationships that can last a lifetime” – Joseph B. Wirthlin
When we truly begin to be kind to ourselves and understand God’s goodness and how kind He’s been to us, we can begin to access that and be kind to others.