Galatians 1:15 (AMP) says, “But when He, Who had chosen and set me apart [even] before I was born and had called me by His grace (His undeserved favor and blessing), saw fit and was pleased [Isa. 49:1; Jer. 1:5.]”
When you are born again, you become the “new” you! When God created you, you came with everything you would ever need.Most of us have SOMEONE in our lives who wants us to succeed. But, God wants you to succeed more than ANYONE! He’s always in your corner!
God has given us grace to succeed in life.In Deuteronomy 8:18, it says that God has given us power to get wealth.So, if everything you need is on the inside of you,where do you go from there?Do you have that confidence to believe it, speak what you want to SEE andKNOW that you are successful before you even make a dime?Sounds crazy, right?
Here’s one thing that will help you.Whenever you see God start something in your life, that is evidence that He has a plan for it to be completed! Isaiah 46:10 declares that God makes known the end from the beginning. Because God knows the end, He is starting something that has already been accomplished.
So, you can know with complete confidence that when the smallest thing begins in your life - business, financial or WHATEVER – it will be completed because God has seen the end!