Did you know that your success is good for God? Life is designed for you to succeed because God needs you to succeed.

God created everything to succeed! John 10:10 (The Passion Translation) says, “A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, kill, and destroy. But my desire is to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!”

God wants to help you lift yourself out of mediocrity.Success is a result of decisions. If you don’t know where you’re going, your haphazard decisions will lead you to do anything with your life – with no purpose.

Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message) says, “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”

You’re not going to be a winner…you ARE a winner! God created you and when He looks at you, he sees His greatest success!
