Speak what you want to see over yourself and your situation!
The RMFC Blog
Speak what you want to see over yourself and your situation!
If you could meet anyone, who would it be?
You need to stop holding your past mistakes against yourself!
It’s critically important that our hearts remain open to what God is doing today!
Did you know that every circumstance becomes an opportunity to encounter the goodness of God?
Who God says you are is more powerful and true than who you think you are!
Nothing that you have done or will do, could ever push you further than His reach.
God has great things in store for you in 2019 - No strings attached!
As you experience all of the joys and maybe even the sorrows of the holiday season, remember that He is always with you!
It’s possible to live worry free!
Did you know that even when we respond in a bad way emotionally, God still loves us?
We must learn how to manage andcontrol our emotions.
These are the top 5 reasons why your emotional intelligence determines your success in life.
You can’t help but be swept away by wherever your emotional “wind” might be blowing.
He is still the God who sees – He sees you right where you are – and He loves you right where you are.
When the Word of God is planted in your heart, the seed grows effortlessly, without any struggle
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If you don’t believe what God believes about you, then you won’t SPEAK out what God believes about you.
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